Beckett Is Surreal Noir That Shifts Based On How you Interact With Its Story & World


Beckett is a detective game about a missing persons investigator on the lookout for someone who's suffering from a "reality-altering illness". This will lead the detective, Beckett, into a world where reality is falling apart and life is consumed by the surreal, forcing players to grasp at meaning and imagination to fill in the gaps in this unsettling, yet compelling, journey.

Players will work through the narration of the game's storyline, forcing players to reconstruct events from the fragments, visions, and interactions they find within Beckett's world. As they do so, a story may emerge in their own minds, making them take part in the quagmire of reality that the game offers, leaving a part of themselves in the narrative along the way. It is the player's take on the meaning of events, shaped by their own lives mingling with that of the game itself, that shape it, after all, the two shifting as they move in tandem.

Beckett is designed to respond to how you interact with it, drawing the player into its absurdist nightmare, pulling them ever forward through their curiosity. It's an intriguing game that pulls the participant in through their curiosity, but what secrets and meanings will you find that are specific to you? As you play Beckett, what will it play back through your presence within it?

Beckett is available for $9.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer The Secret Experiment, you can head to the game's site, the developer's site, or follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

